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RANS C++ API Documentation

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Pre-Compiled Regular Expressions

To use RANS is pretty easy. first of all, you should compile it once to an RANS object and reuse that object for each call.


RANS rans("[ab]*[ac][abc]{3}");
assert(rans.ok); // compiled; if not, see rans.error();

Encoding Interface

There are two fundamental functions: RANS::val requires string that can be matched against a regular expression, and RANS::rep, which is inverse function of RANS::val, looks for a corressponding string by given value.
These functions are wrapped RANS::operator()


RANS rans("a*(b*|c*)");
assert(rans("aaa")==9); // rans.rep("aaa") 
assert(rans(9)=="aaa"); // rans.val(9) 
assert(rans("")==0);    // rans.rep("")

The return value of RANS::val and argument of RANS::rep is RANS::Value. that is wrapper type of mpz_class (in gmpxx.h)

RANS rans("a*(b*|c*)");
RANS::Value value; std::string text = "aaa";
assert(rans(text, value)==9); // set value to 9, and return reference
assert(rans(value, text)=="aaa"); // set text to "aaa", and return reference


An RANS::Exception will be thrown If you give a bad (not acceptable) string (or value) to RANS::val.

Therefore, You should assure that string is acceptable when calling RANS::rep. you can verify whether string is acceptable via RANS::accept method just like:

RANS rans("a*(b*|c*)");
if(rans.accept(text)) val(text, value);
RANS only_accept_a("a");
only_accept_a("b"); // raise exception!

Sample Code

Here is the code of the simple but complete encode & decode REPL program.

#include <rans.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::string regex;
  std::cout << "regex: ";
  std::cin >> regex;

  RANS rans(regex);
  if(!rans.ok()) {
    std::cout << rans.error() << std::endl;

  RANS::Value value;
  std::string text;
  while (std::cout << "text: " && std::cin >> text) {
    try {
      std::cout << "val(text):  " << rans(text, value) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "rep(value): " << rans(value, text) << std::endl;
    } catch (const RANS::Exception& e) {
      std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

  return 0;

You could compile this like as:

$ g++ -lgmp -lgmpxx -o repl
$ ./repl

Additional Tips and Tricks

For advanced usage, like compression, or something that uses a DFA directly, see rans.hpp or codes in test directory.

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